Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100 Readme

Last revision: 12/15/2015

About This Readme

This Readme provides information about Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere version 11.1.100.

InTouch Access Anywhere Overview

New Features of InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100

Requirements, Browsers, and Mobile Devices

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Installation

Resolved Issues

Known Issues and Behaviors

Windows RT

Browser and Operating System Combinations

All Operating Systems

InTouch Access Anywhere Documentation

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Overview

Wonderware® InTouch Access Anywhere™ provides remote access to Wonderware InTouch™ applications with an HTML5 Web browser running on a desktop computer or a mobile device. Any Web browser that supports HTML5 can be used as the client to view InTouch applications running on a remote desktop server. Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere enables you to select an InTouch application from a list and view it running in WindowViewer.

The InTouch Access Anywhere installation media provides the following:

New Features of InTouch Access Anywhere Version 11.1.100

Requirements, Browsers, and Mobile Devices

This section summarizes InTouch Access Anywhere installation requirements, supported browsers, and considerations for viewing InTouch applications on mobile devices. For more detailed information, see the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere documentation.

Installation Requirements

The following list describes the prerequisites to install the InTouch Access Anywhere Server or Secure Gateway.

Important Security Requirement: Securely Deploying InTouch Access Anywhere

Direct access to the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway over the Internet is not supported. We recommend that you access the Gateway via a VPN tunnel for all remote connections.


Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere can be accessed from smart phones, tablets, and laptop computers that provide an HTML5-compliant web browser. Browsers verified to work with Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere include the following:

Browsers Tested with InTouch Access Anywhere

Functionally Compatible Browsers

Certain versions of the above listed browsers, such as

are in theory functionally compatible with InTouch Access Anywhere. While you may be able to use them, specific behaviors are unknown as these browser versions have not been tested.


Although Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere supports the listed browsers, you should review the Known Issues and Behaviors section of this Readme for issues specific to each browser.

For further information about configuring and using Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9, please contact Wonderware Technical Support.

Mobile Devices

Run-time interactions with InTouch applications are different on mobile devices than on traditional desktop computers. For example:

When using InTouch Access Anywhere to remotely view and interact with your applications, it is important to be aware of the behavior differences among devices, operating systems, and browsers. For the best user experience, you should become familiar with the touch interfaces in the devices you will use, and factor these differences into the design of your InTouch applications. For example:

Installing Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere

Use the following procedures to install Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere.

Installing Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Server

Note: If you are upgrading to a newer version of InTouch Access Anywhere Server, take the following steps first:

  1. Back up any customizations to your InTouch Access Anywhere Server installation.
  2. Uninstall InTouch Access Anywhere Server from the Programs and Features section of the Windows Control Panel.
  3. Install InTouch Access Anywhere Server as described below.

To install Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Server:

  1. Run setup.exe from the root folder of the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere installation media.
  2. After briefly displaying a splash screen, the options selection window appears. Select InTouch Access Anywhere Server, and click Next.
  3. Click Next to accept the default installation settings, or select the Customize Installation option to change the installation destination, and then:
    1. Click Next.
    2. Click the Browse button to provide an installation path.
    3. Click Next.
  4. Accept the license agreement by selecting the I have read and accept the terms of the license agreement(s) option, and then clicking Agree.
  5. The Ready to Install the Application screen appears. Review the installation details and click Install.
  6. Click Finish after the installer indicates that the Installation has completed successfully.

Installing the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway

Refer to the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway Admin Manual for detailed instructions on installing InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway.


You cannot install the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway on the same computer as InTouch or the InTouch Access Anywhere Server.

The InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway does not provide two factor authentication. This can be a security concern when you directly access the InTouch Access Anywhere server through the Internet. InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway security is not designed to be directly connected to the internet. As a workaround, you can use a VPN as the first level of authentication when accessing the InTouch Access Anywhere server through the Secure Gateway.

To access InTouch applications beyond a firewall you must install the Secure Gateway on a separate computer located in a DMZ.

After installing the Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway, your InTouch applications will not be available in the Application Name: list box when running InTouch Access Anywhere through the gateway. To access a list of your applications, see the Secure Gateway post-installation instructions in the InTouch Access Anywhere Secure Gateway Administrator's Guide.

Resolved Issues

This section lists defects resolved with this release.

TFS218571 [iOS: Safari, Chrome] No prompt is given when connected and trying to leave the page.
TFS218574 [iOS: Opera Mini] [Documentation] Opera on iOS is unable to reach the Access Anywhere web server.
TFS218941 [Win RT Specific] ZoomIn/ZoomOut are not supported on Win RT machine.
TFS218942 [iOS: Safari, Chrome] [Win RT Specific] Unable to open context menu Through Touch.
TFS218947 [Win RT Specific] The pop Dialog window looks blurred after dragging the Dialog across the screen.
TFS218957 [All Browsers] In the "Alarm DB Viewer Control" Up and down arrow keys blacken on selection.
TFS218962 [All Browsers] Freeze action in the "Alarm Viewer Control" is showing up a black icon "Display Frozen" cell below the table.
TFS218970 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] Key scripts involving CTRL, ALT combinations don't work (doesn't work with bluetooth keyboard).
TFS218972 [All Browsers] No notification is provided to the user when the connection (network) between InTouch application in the browser and InTouch Access anywhere is lost.
TFS218973 [All Browsers] Overall sluggish mouse response.
TFS218985 [Android Specific] Drag/Move of pop up windows across the screen is very difficult.
TFS218987 [All Browsers] [Documentation] Without keyboard, soft keyboard doesn't come up and iPad bluetooth keyboard doesn't help.
TFS218988 [Safari] Intermittent: User Input animation does not bring up the Intouch keyboard.
TFS218991 [Android-Opera] Scroll bar cannot be scrolled by using the scroll bar.
TFS219341 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] Windows Keyboard does not work.
TFS219342 [iPad-Safari] Resize Keyboard, alphabetical, does not work on iPad Safari.
TFS220378 [Win RT] Intermittent: Initial Data Subscription is not happening until User touches the screen.
TFS220379 [Android-Chrome] The address bar blocks Viewer title bar and menu bar.
TFS220382 [Win RT Specific] Window Viewer (Session) is hanging after Delta Deploy.
TFS220390 [Win RT Specific] Short cut keys with Shift+"--" and Alaphabet are not working.
TFS220391 [All browsers] 2 Modal dialogs will pop up, if Development menu item is clicked. Viewer focus will be blocked and cannot be closed.
TFS220393 [Win RT Specific] Window viewer is hanging after unlocking the Tablet on which Host is running.
TFS220398 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera] iPad and Galaxy Note 8 software keyboard does not support F1~F12, Ctrl, and Alt keys.
TFS220412 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: Ctrl-Shift does not work for Key Script on iPad and Android while using bluetooth keyboard. Also, Ctrl does not work on iPad.
TFS220413 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]:] The InTouch software keyboard shows in the screen center all the time. On a high resolution IT app, user needs to scroll a lot on the tablet to find the software keyboard.
TFS220414 [Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: aaSymbol Tooltips animation does not work.
TFS220415 [iOS: Safari, Android: Opera, Firefox, Chrome]: aaSymbol Slider animation cannot be moved smoothly.
TFS220418 [All Browsers, except RT IE10] Certain mouse events don't work. The ones that don' t work include "while left key down", "on right key down", "while right key down" and "on right key double click". Also, On right up should not work but works.
TFS220420 [iPad: Safari, Android-Opera]: Slider from symbol lib does not work.
TFS220486 [iPad: Safari, Chrome, Android: Opera] ITAA Keyboard icon blocks the Viewer menu bar.
TFS221083 [All Environments]TSE scripts are returning the name of Ericom Access server in place of TSE server.
TFS221170 [Android - Firefox] IT window opened directly from Window to Showdialog after selecting window without clicking OK button.
TFS221177 [All browsers] Maker will be started while clicking Development! from Viewer menu.
TFS221178 [All Browsers] NAD functionality is not working.
TFS221179 [All Browsers]When a user opts not to launch the I/O Servers when prompted during the launching of Window Viewer, the TSE session logs off the session.ying to leave the page.
TFS221647 [Android Firefox] Bluetooth keyboard sends 2 characters when 1 key is pressed.
TFS221668 Users are prompted with information related to an "untrusted security certificate" when connecting to the Secure Gateway.
TFS221669 The Actions Scripts triggered by the mouse center button are not working on tablets. Issue happens on all supported browsers on all tablets (iPad, Android (Samsung Galaxy 8.0 & Windows RT (Surface)).
TFS221670 The DRC in ITAA is only applicable when the same user connects to server using regular RDP and enable DRC settings from IT App Manager.
TFS221762 On dialogs that have multiple text boxes, the "Next/Previous" buttons on the iPad are not enabled for the user to move to the next/previous text box.
TFS222597 Trying to connect after clicking "Reset" on landing page fails.
TFS222599 [Safari on IPAD, Android, Chrome on Desktop]Fast Typing of numbers on the numeric pop up pad is showing wrong values in the display.
TFS223125 [Desktop-IE10]:On providing Input through InTouch Keyboard on Server and hovering mouse on the outbound rectangle, a paint issue is seen.
TFS223128 [Desktop-IE10]:Unable to launch UserInput on selecting Windows Keyboard.
TFS229998 Short Cut (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) to open the task manager is working for ITAA Browser session.
TFS229999 [Specific to Android Samsung] Text Elements look blurred when the memory consumption in Android version is more.
TFS230621 [Safari Browser Specific] Private browsing must be turned off for the Safari browser when accessing InTouch Access Anywhere server.
L00137284 SR103133750: The "Number of sessions" incorrectly displayed 0 when a user was connected.
L00136906 SR48710104: The mouse cursor was disappearing intermittently.
L00136671 SR50310321: Input of several characters via Firefox (minus, plus, number sign and mutated vowels) was not possible when using German as an input language.

Known Issues and Behaviors

This section describes known issues and platform/browser-specific behaviors in Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere. The issues are grouped by operating systems. Workarounds are provided when available. You can also refer to the InTouch Access Anywhere user documentation for more information.

Operating Systems Issues and Behaviors
Windows RT Internet Explorer 10 on WinRT in a touch environment: A mouse cursor may disappear after using the Surface keyboard to enter data. As a workaround, use touch gestures in place of mouse inputs. TFS218943.
All Operating Systems Firefox: Values entered using the InTouch keyboard appear twice. TFS542896.
Internet Explorer 10, Safari 8: Playsound() works with Chrome, Opera, and Firefox, but not with Internet Explorer 10 or Safari 8. L00133687.
Internet Explorer: When accessing the InTouch Access Anywhere server through an RDP desktop session, user input animations using the Windows operating system keyboard do not start the keyboard. The recommended workaround is to use the device's built-in keyboard. TFS542851.
InTouch Access Anywhere sessions are randomly disconnected. L00139175, L00132897.

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere Documentation

Wonderware InTouch Access Anywhere product documentation is provided as a set of Portable Document Files (PDF):

You need Adobe Reader installed on your computer to view InTouch documentation. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader from the Adobe Corporation web site: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.

After installing Adobe Reader, double-click a PDF file with your pointing device to view the book with Adobe Reader. You can also open a PDF with the Adobe Reader Open command from the File menu.

The Access Anywhere software is licensed pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the enclosed Ericom Software Ltd. End User License Agreement.

© 2015 Schneider Electric Software, LLC. All Rights Reserved.